What is the URL for my Patient Portal with Physicians Primary Care of South West Florida?
What are the browsers that Follow My Health supports?
Internet Explorer 8 or above, Firefox. Chrome, and Safari
How do I uninstall Silverlight on my computer?
First, close all browsers. Then, go to Start Menu (bottom left), click on Control Panel. Under Control Panel, click on Uninstall Program.
For Apple computers, use Spotlight to find Silverlight and then drag to your trash can.
What do I do if Silverlight fails upon installation?
First, see if the plug-in merely needs to be re-enabled.
If that does not work, you will need to close all browsers and uninstall Silverlight. See Question #2 for details on how to uninstall Silverlight.
Next, delete all temporary internet files and cookies through the internet options for your computer.
Once Silverlight is uninstalled and the temporary internet files/cookies are deleted, go to www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight to install Silverlight.
Once the installation completes, login to the FollowMyHealth™ Universal Health Record to begin using your medical record online!
What do I do if my email invite was not received? (Patients that have recently been seen by an office may receive an email invite.)
Check your spam or junk mail folder in you email to see if the invitation was sent there.
If you are still unable to find the invitation, please request another invite. You can do this via email address: patientportal@ppcswfl.com
What if I have not received an email invite?
If you are a current patient, on our website – go to Patient Log in
Click to create an account – you can use a Yahoo, G-Mail ( Google) , Facebook, Microsoft, or Cerner account if you already have one, if not you can create a user ID and password with the Follow My Health option.
Accept the terms of use
Our office will confirm you are a patient of the practice and a record will be matched. A notification will be sent to you email address.